
Presentation Title

Transforming Architecture Students Online Learning Experience Through  Enhanced 5-E Framework

Presentation Description

This project highlights the use of LMS Moodle application in the Architecture Theory and History module, which aims at improving the student’s learning experience by transforming a dry and facts-driven content into a fun and engaging learning activities. Guided by the 5-E framework, the LMS Moodle activities have been created based on the structure set by the 5-E Framework: Engage, Enhance, Extend, Evaluate and Earn. In the module, students are being exposed to the numerous technology applications that will be able to help them to achieve the learning goals. By using this online application, the 5-E Framework makes sure to consider that while a tool may be “drill and practice”, the educator can create structures around the tool to help meet the three different components of the framework. Apart from that, the students are awarded with badges that act as a micro-credentials. Micro-credentials are mini-certifications that help to recognize the student’s skills in specific area of studies, which are awarded through the digital badges. This alternative credential will provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills earned by submitting learning evidences that aligned to specific and timely needs of the modules and the workforce.

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